Build Your Personal Brand With WordPress

How Can You Build Your Personal Brand With WordPress

In this era of the internet, everyone is striving to build a personal brand. It’s one of the biggest factors to run a successful business.

Whether you’re a blogger or a marketer, you would need to show your presence to your readers and clients respectively. It’s only possible if you have your brand.

Have you ever thought to build your personal brand with WordPress? WordPress is an all in one platform using which, you can spread your words.

Why Is Building A Personal Brand Beneficial For You?

Have you ever encountered a situation where you try to convince one of your clients and he Googles your name to have an eye?

Well, this is a situation where you can build the trust with your personal brand. Nowadays, people trust the internet more than anything else.

Suppose luckily you got a date and she is so curious about the fact that you’re a social media star. How can this happen?

It can happen only when you have your brand name running all over the internet.

What Can You Do To Build Your Personal Brand With WordPress?

As you know, WordPress is a content management system which helps you to start your own blog and make money.

There are many other factors which are indispensable.

#1. Start A Blog.

Nothing can beat the power of a blog to proliferate your brand. In the past few years, blogging has grown up and people are sharing their experiences through their blog.

It’s the best time to start a blog of your own. It doesn’t matter whether you choose any professional niche, a technical niche or something else.

The only thing is how you manage to keep your brand name in the market. People want something spicy, something contemporary.

If you can provide them the quality, you will be the blogging star.

#2. Start Email Marketing.

Along with your blog, you should always focus on leveraging the email list.

Add the subscription box on your site and gather the email address to send your qualitative content. There are many email service providers like Aweber and ConvertKit.

You can also use MailChimp which is good for the beginners. You would find a guide for adding MailChimp subscription form to your site helpful.

Are you blogging now? Do you have an email marketing strategy?

#3. Leverage Your “About Us” Page.

Your blog should have a specific place where your readers can know your story. It’s always recommended to create an “about us” page.

Many website owners use their personal page as the home page of their websites to build a better personal brand.

It may be a great idea. If you already have a fan following, people would be curious to know more about you.

And the perfect spot for their stop is the page you craft.

4#. Gather Testimonials.

This is one of the best ideas you can come across. You can ask your fellow bloggers to write a few words about you to get featured at your blog.

Use the power of testimonial to build your personal brand with WordPress.

There are many WordPress themes which have an inbuilt page to show the testimonials. You can also use any WordPress plugin.

#5. Use Contact Us Page.

You never know when would you get a call from something you admired so much. The contact us page of your blog can be the medium.

The main reason is to improve the habitat for your users to connect with you.

People come to read your blog and what if someone gets stuck in any of your articles then the first thing is to search for a way to contact you.

There are many contact form plugins which can be helpful.

#6. Social Media Is A Thing.

No one can deny the fact of the impact social media has put on everything. You, your company, your clients, everyone is using the power of social media networks.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc are the platforms you can leverage your brand with.

There are millions of people waiting to hear from you. You can bang on with a sparkling entry into this virtual world of social networks.

Nowadays, people are using the lucrative power of social ads. Have you tried Facebook ads? Even LinkedIn has started this.

Whether it’s paid or free, social media networks are your friends.

Build your personal brand with WordPress by adding the social media icons on your website.

#7. Add Your Portfolio.

If you’re a freelance writer, a web developer or a designer, you can create a new page for your “Services” which would make it easy for the people to reach you.

You can also add the proof of your old work which will help your customers to analyze your skills.

There are many WordPress plugins which can be used to create a professional portfolio page. Start gathering.

What Are The Things You Will Follow To Build Your Personal Brand With WordPress?

We all have our perspectives and priorities. Some people prefer not to use the testimonial because they believe as if their work is enough to allure their customers.

What do you think about it? Do you already have an about us page?

I have always considered blogging as the most effective things to build your personal brand with WordPress. Starting a blog is the first step for branding.

What do you think? Do you have a blog? How are you going to brand yourself?

Our readers would be happy to hear from you.

You can also connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Great list, Ravi! I love the part about the about page. I recently made mine more of a landing page with no header or sidebar – just the about me part front and center. I think it’s done well to help people focus on reading the content without distraction.

    1. Hey Brandon,

      It’s always good to let people know about you more. You should focus mainly on the things your blog can do. Some people make it a personal page which doesn’t work.

      I will surely check your page.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    Building a personal brand wasn’t easy before like it is now. I agree, nothing could be better than starting a blog on wordpress. If one is thought leader he should share his experience with others so they can get the benefits of his knowledge.

    Social media is a powerful tool but if one mix it with blog it could be unbeatable.

    Thanks for bringing out this topic.


    Umesh Singh

    1. Hey Umesh,

      I remember the time when I used to strive just to get 100 followers. But you know that if with the power of your blog’s content, you can reach to thousands and even millions.

      Social media has always been a place to express yourself and build your brand.

      Thanks for shedding some light.


  3. Hey Ravi,

    Thanks for this awesome and informative post. Building your personal brand is very helpful to establish your presence online. Blog is definitely a great way to build your brand online. Great Stuff. Thanks a lot.

  4. Hey Ravi,

    Great post.

    Personal brand is what it’s all about actually. If you don’t have a brand that’s viable, you’ll ultimately be irrelevent and if your blog is your business, you don’t want that.

    It’s hard to constantly keep up with social media, but I do it anyway.

    – Andrew

    1. Hi Andrew,

      Branding is the thing you should always look for. People trust you only if you have your personal brand. Your blog reflects what you want to provide. WordPress helps you grow and forge a brand.

      Social media has always been a place to spread your network.

      Thanks for dropping by.


  5. Hey Ravi,

    If there’s one thing I’ve stressed within the last year is branding. What better way to do this than through blogging. This is one major reason why the blog is called “the hub” for your online marketing.

    It all starts off with your “About us” page. This is not only where your audience come to get to know you but what they can expect from your blog and who is the blog for.

    Thanks for sharing! Have a good one!

    1. Hi Sherman,

      Building your personal branding through your blog is a vital thing to do in this era of blogging. People need to know who you are and what you do.

      An about us page is like your significant other. It tells everything about you and your goals.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your weekend.


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